BACK TO THE 'OL GRIND on the Moon, I find that it is Monday again.
My artsy project of finding the most perfect pictures to place with the song lyrics of, "America the Beautiful", has been completed. (see my comments of my project under the comment section under the post of "THE END").
So, today is Monday.....and it's back to the 'ol same o same o. It's time again to get out there in the "world" and hit the Tarmac.
We here on the Moon, wish everyone a great week.
Our hearts go out to all those folks in Texas and Louisiana. We hope and pray that their lives will return to normal very soon.
I'm sure that they would give anything to get back to the 'ol same o same o. that perspective.....I believe that again, we are very blessed.
Gotta hit the road now and go put in my time.........
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..............Lj
Love the site! Keep up the good work! Thx for the comment!
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