Sunday, May 15, 2005


You know, when God said that we should all rest on the seventh day, we, here on the Moon, take these words to heart. Yes, today is Sunday, and Tranquillity Base is practicing tranquility.

But is Sunday the seventh day? Our calendar, on the Moon refrigerator, shows that today, Sunday, is the first day of the week. Now I'm confused! Should I have practiced tranquility, yesterday?

So, I went into search mode and did some research on this, and found some information, requarding this mind boggling question.

Contrary to what Christians believe, Sunday was not observed by early New Testament Christians, as a day of worship. They kept Saturday, the seventh day of the week, as their Sabbath.

The question of how Sunday, the first day of the week, replaced Saturday, the seventh day of the week, as the main day of Christian worship, has received increasing attention in recent years.

One widely acclaimed study, for example, suggests that the weekly Christian Sunday arose from Sunday-evening communion services in the immediate post resurrection period, with Sunday itself being a workday, until after the time of Constantine the Great, in the early fourth century. Eventually, however, Sunday ceased to be a workday and then it became the Christian's Sabbath.

Some simpler and more popular views are that, (1) Sunday was substituted immediately after Christ's resurrection for the seventh-day Sabbath, or, (2) Sundaykeeping was introduced directly from paganism during the seventh century or later.

One thing is clear: The Christian Sunday, whenever it did arise.....did not at first generally become a substitute for the Bible seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday; for both Saturday and Sunday were widely kept side by side for several centuries in early Christian history.

So, I guess, here on the moon, we will keep the most popular tradition of resting.....on Sunday.

Although, we could have the best of both worlds, and take it easy, lean back, kick our feet up, and relax.....on BOTH days. Now, that sounds like a winner to me!

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the moon..............Lj


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