For the last couple of days, we here on the Moon, have awakened each morning in the comfort of our own bed, dressed with clean dry sheets and fluffy pillows.
We have taken our showers, with fresh clean water and dried ourselves off with soft laundered towels.
We have gone to our refrigerator and poured ourselves some nice cold grape juice, and hugged and patted our sweet four legged Brats on their furry little heads.
We have hugged and kissed one another and wished each other to have a good day at work, knowing that we will be together again at the end of the work day, to enjoy one anothers company.
These are just a few things that we do every day.
These are just a few things that the people who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina cannot do.
I want to give thanks, that we here on the Moon are safe and sound.
I want to give thanks, for those little things that we all take for granted each day.
I want to give thanks for our fresh water, clean dry clothes, food in the refrigerator, safety of our loved ones, and the undamaged roof that's over our head.
May God bless all of the families afflicted by Hurricane Katrina. May their lives get back to their normal state very soon.
And may we all learn a great lesson from this tragedy, to not take the humdrum things in life for granted.
Peace and comfort to all.........
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..................Lj
Thank you, Motherdear. And Tamara, you are so right...we are very blessed.
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