We, here on the Moon, believe it to be a crying shame of what's becoming the fate of the American Pit Bull Terrier. It's such a sad situation, that city governments are making the decision to outlaw this breed.
Denver Colorado has just recently banned the breed, sending out letters of warning to their residents who own pit bulls or a mixed breed of the dog. Denver residents are now hard-pressed to find a new home for the dogs that are a part of their lives and of their family.
I honestly do not believe that the America Pit Bull Terrier is a bad breed of dog. I personally have had two, in my life, as a part of my family. Snydley Whiplash and Ranger Danger, were wonderful loving dogs, with no social problems at all. Just two good boys, that I still miss to this day.
I really hate to put all the blame on the owners of these dogs, but I have witnessed pit bulls when brought up in a loving home, and they're just like any other dog.
I can't say that all of these dogs have been raised in the loving home environment though. In fact, I'm sure that some haven't been. Some pit bulls have been trained to be aggressive, by means of torture, demands, and teasing.
I'm also sure that any breed of dog could be taught this way, but the American Pit Bull Terrier, gets the rap.
I believe that these dogs are just a victim of circumstance.
So, my heart goes out to all the American Pit Bull Terrier owners, who have to face these laws given to them and obey.
We, here on the Moon, have four precious Brats and I can't even imagine having to find another home for one of them or even worse, put any one of them down.
The reckless, bad pit bull owners have made it unfortunate for the innocent, good pit bull owners, and for all the pit bulls that have to face this destiny given to them.
We here on the Moon are so sorry that it had to come to this. It does makes you wonder......which breed is next?
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..............Lj
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