Today is Sunday, here on the Moon.
I believe that it would be a really good thing if each and every one of us would take just a moment out of our busy lives to stop and give thanks for all things made possible for us, in this crazy life of ours.
I think we should all bow our heads in prayer for those who are not as fortunate as we are.
I pray for the joyful and safe return of all our soldiers to their families.
I pray for peace to surround our precious Earth, like the comfort of a Mothers' arms embracing her crying child, allowing all of humanity to forgive one another, learning to live together in harmony and with understanding.
I pray that all heads of countries to have compassion and mercy for all of their people.
This is what I believe we should take a moment today to recognize.
I also pray that your lives be filled with all the wonderful, fortunate joys of love and peace, and that you should never want.
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...............Lj
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