Well.....Here on the Moon, we are in a State of Celebration.
My co-worker friend (T), just got back from an exciting fun-filled trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. She got to stay in a beautiful time-share villa, that included a really nice swimming pool WITH lazy river. Sounds nice, huh?
She told me all about her trip, which included the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton, Cirque du Soleil at the Bellagio, and the World Poker Tour at Binions.
She told me that she even rode the roller coaster, at New York New York. She was a very brave soul to ride that coaster! I've seen it "up close and personal"and it looks very scary to me! It's a rail coaster with some loop-de-loops and very fast. It looked "smooth" she said, but it wasn't. It beat her up. She had fun anyway, but not real sure that she would ever ride it again.
I'm glad she had a great time, but I'm also very glad to have her back at work. I missed her.
One of the places that she visited in Vegas was M&M World. It's located up by the MGM Grand.
I don't know if you remember reading my blog about the new dark chocolate m&m's a while back. If you haven't read it, you need too. It's located in the May 2005 post called, "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand".
In the blog I wrote about how excited I was that finally there was going to be dark chocolate m&m's. I mean, can't you imagine a luscious dark chocolate with that famous candy shell?
Well, since I wrote that back in May.......I have yet to find them anywhere!
Well, guess what (T) brought me back from Las Vegas.....DARK CHOCOLATE M&M'S!!! from M&M World.
Let me tell you now that they are DELICIOUS!! And they are in the coolest colors too, including silver and blue and lavender. They are soooooo good and I am still on the lookout for those little dark gems somewhere, around this neck of the woods.
So keep your eyes open and see if you can find them. Send me all your dark chocolate m&m's...... send me all your dark chocolate m&m's.......
Oh, and again, "Thanks (T), I really appreciate the gift and you."
Send me all your dark chocolate m&m's...... Send me all your dark choc........................
Gotta go.......having a dark chocolate m&m attack!!
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Chocolate Factory.......Uhhh.....I mean, the Moon............Lj
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