We, here on the Moon, decided to take a road trip on Sunday. We thought we'd take a nice drive to Sand Springs, Oklahoma.
After an hour and a half of driving and finally reaching our destination, we discovered that we could describe Sand Springs in two words.....Ghost Town.
We drove around for a bit going downtown and up and down main street, never really believing that we were seeing the whole town. Maybe we did see the whole town.....and then again, maybe there was part of the "city" that we were totally missing. If so, we never could find it.
We were beginning to get hungry, after our search for intellegent life forms. This then began a frantic search for sustenance in possibly the form of a restaurant or a diner, maybe a cafe, or even by this time, maybe just a street-corner tamale vendor would do. Did I mention the words ghost town earlier?
Okay, the more time that we spent not finding a place to eat, the hungrier it seems that we were getting. Funny thing what the ye old mind does on the ye old stomach.
Anyway, so after our hunger strike throughout the town of Sand (ghost town) Springs, we decided to get on the trail and head 'er home, (back to the land of the living).
BUT...before we got back on the turnpike hungry, we thought we would go ahead and find a gas station and just pick up a little munchie to tide us over until we reached the Big City.
So...this is the name of the place we found for gas and food.....the KUM and GO. read it right, the KUM and GO!
After we finished laughing hysterically, we got out of the Tahoe and went into the store. We looked around for a bit and I decided on a bag of the dill pickle kettle cooked potato chips, and also a bag of the bar-b-que flavored
kettle cooked pototo chips, while Tj opted to get a weiner. Yes, you read this correctly too.....a weiner from the KUM and GO.
After engaging in what you might consider a form of conversation with the folks who choose to be employed at the KUM and GO, we hopped back in the Tahoe, with our goodies, and headed home.
BUT, before we could get back to the correct and final direction of the turnpike to head home, we realized that we were aimed in the wrong direction and on our way to Tulsa. We then made a really expensive decision, had we been seen and got ticketed, to jump the curb, head back through the toll booth and then go through the toll booth once again and head in the right direction, back to OKC.
BUT.....before heading back, I made the mistake of tasting those dill pickle kettle cooked potato chips. Man.....I kid you not.....they were delicious!! It's not because I was hungry either...I'm telling you, they are great!
I told Tj right then, "Before we head back, we've got to go back to the KUM and GO, and get some more of these chips. These are fantastic!" So, Tj being the sweetest guy on earth, or the moon for that matter, he heads the Tahoe back to the KUM and GO, so that I can get my chip fix.
While sitting outside the store, I think that maybe before going back in, I need to taste the bar-b-que kettle cooked potato chips as well, just in case that they are fabulous too. Well, I did and they were.
So, in I go again into the KUM and GO, and grab two more bags of dill and two more bags of bar-b-que. Tj took this moment to eat his KUM and GO hot dog.
When I approached the counter with my stash, the cashier looked at me kind of funny, and then again how could I tell, but I felt as though I needed to explain to him why I was back in his store, so I just told him that I tried the chips, they were great, so I came back for more. He laughed, shook his head, and rang me up.
I then walked out of the KUM and GO, probably never to return, but then again.....................who knows? Those chips really are excellent and I only have four bags!
We then managed to get situated in the correct direction of the turnpike and headed ourselves home. When we got back to the city, we found a restaurant, and had dinner.
Whew, what a Sunday to, the hon-yockers, and the KUM and GO. Oh, yeah, and our visit to Sand Springs.
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the KUM and GO....uhhh, I mean the Moon............Lj
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