Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Today on the moon, I was surfing the net and found a couple of pretty crazy websites.

The first one that I found is at www.moonthewhitehouse.com where their mission is to.........well, it speaks for itself.

The second website that I found is at www.ihatedimes.com where this guy wants you to send all of your dimes to him, because he believes that dimes are the most worthless of all coins.

Well, I believe that the two dollar bill is pretty darn worthless too, so how about sending me all of those good-for-nothing pieces of paper. I mean can anyone even tell me the president thats on the front of it?

Oh, and let us not forget the Susan B. Anthony...I'd be more than happy to take those lousy old coins off your hands as well.

So, if you want to have a laugh.....go and check out these humorous websites and see what you think.

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...............Lj


Blogger Kimmee & Krissteen said...

Haha @ the guy that hate dimes, I personally think that pennies are the most worthless coin ever published. I do anything and everything to make the stores keep my pennies and if I happen to see them on the ground, my vaccuum loves to eat them! Thanks for commenting on my Blogspot, I am a virgin blogger and hope to give some fun stories to read!

5:27 PM, June 08, 2005  
Blogger Mona said...

found you on snapdragon's site...pretty funny stuff...keep up the posts!

1:53 PM, June 10, 2005  

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