BIG OL' BIRD the weekend's over and Monday has shown it's ugly face to us again. Back to the same ol' same ol'. Time to get into the car and hit the rush hour traffic. Whooppee!!
It's true what they say about time flying when you're having fun. It seems that it truly does!
Still, I wish that I could hop on a big ol' bird and just fly right outta here. Maybe Paris...or Las Vegas...or even Venice would be nice. Just go!
Enough day dreaming! Instead, I'll be the loyal, dedicated employee that I am, and head off to work. Oh, well, what's new? There's me and millions of others doing "The Time".
I'll just put a smile on my face and do my time, like I always do, and work for the weekend like everyone else, that's not a Hilton, or a Rockafeller, or a Trump. Maybe in my next life, huh?
Until then.....I hope all of you have a really great work week, and hopefully we all will be appreciated and not be taken for granted. Yea.....right!
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..........Lj
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