Here on the Moon, we had a wonderful holiday!! We were overjoyed at Christmas to have our two daughters, from out of state, visit with us and stay through the New Year. Today they left the Moon, with their extended plans. We loved having them with us tremendously.....and will miss them terribly.
We now have our two "grand dogs" Cayenne and Angelou held hostage, to be retrieved in a month. We love them dearly and enjoy their stay with us and our four brats, Katana....Maleena....Celeigh....and Bailey.
It's a full house of four legged girls.....But a full house is a fun house!
Later this evening, we decided to go out for a bite to eat and try a new Chinese buffet that we had heard was pretty good. It was really good and we got to top off our dinner with some delicious, "scoop it yourself" chocolate ice cream.
We also got served, at the end of our meal, the typical Chinese fortune cookie. I particularly liked what my fortune stated. I think that there is alot of truth in what it had to say.
It read.........
"If you are never scared...embarrassed...or hurt, it means that you never take chances".
I just thought that I would share that bit of enlightenment with everyone. It made sense to me.
And I believe that we all should take chances, especially those
chances that mean so much to us.
If we never took a chance at that "something"....then how would we ever know what is right or what is wrong for us.
We may just find out something wonderful.......And if not, then at least we gave it a try.
Good luck to all of us....And may we all have a wonderful and fulfilling New Year.
Gotta go......Its been an hour or so........
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon....................Lj
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