TO BE OR NOT TO BE........
Do you know me?
I'm a really good girl, but somehow I managed to get out of my house.....and then.....I ended up on this big car lot, where I saw alot of different cars and people that didn't look familiar to me.
Everyone that I walked up to was nice to me, but I didn't see my mommy and daddy anywhere.
Then.....this really extra nice man person came up to me and talked to me and scratched me on the head and patted me. He was very kind to me.
He then told me to lay down, and I did, and he looked me all over, from one end to the other. Maybe he was looking for something.....I really don't know.
He then told me to "wait" I did.
Before I knew it.....the nice man person came back to me and put a leash on me.
We then walked together, and he picked me up and put me in his big truck car. I was thinking that maybe he might know my mommy and daddy, and that he was going to take me back to my house. Well.....I was wrong......
After riding a short distance.....we then ended up at another house, where I heard him say, that I was going to get to meet the "Johnsonville Brats".
I wasn't really sure what he was talking about.....but I was soon to find out.
Sure enough.....we went inside and there was four, fourlegged girls there to greet me. Everyone was very nice to me, but I still didn't see my mommy and daddy anywhere.
There was a really nice lady person there too.....but she wasn't my mommy either.
I've been staying at this house now for four days, and the nice man and nice lady person have been very kind to me......
They have given me plenty of food and drink.
They even gave me my own bed to sleep on!
Do you think that means that I am now a "Johnsonville Brat" too?
I heard the nice man person tell me that my mommy and daddy must not be reading the ad that is about me, in the paper.
I know that my mommy and daddy can read, because I've seen them in my house, doing just that.
Where is my mommy and daddy?
Am I a Johnsonville Brat?
Everyone here is very nice to me.....although they just can't seem to get my name right! They have looked at me and called me all sorts of names.....but I just look back at them with the best look that I can, that tells them, "Nope.....that's not my name"!
I do what they tell me though.....
I sit when they say, "sit".
I lay down when they say, "lay down".
I stay when they say, "stay".
Maybe my mommy and daddy will read that paper today.
Maybe my mommy and daddy will notice that I am not there anymore.
Maybe my mommy and daddy are missing me......
I wish I hadn't left my home that day.
Maybe I won't ever see my mommy and daddy again.
Maybe I will become a Johnsonville Brat now.....
Well.....I guess things could be worse.
So, again I ask.....Do you know me?

thanks so much; we all got a big kick out of reading this. she was so lucky to have been taken in by such nice people. it was shocking to me that she seemed torn between coming home and getting back in the truck with you. i wish more people would take the time to give a dog a chance.
again thank you and blessing from the Cooks to the Johnsville brats.
Thanks to the all of you too!! You all have raised such a darling dog, which is Nala.
Seeing how precious and sweet she is...reflects on how wonderful you all are.
She is a precious soul and we fell in love with her.
I am so happy though that she has you all back in her life and that you all have her back in your life.
It was meant to be.
We will always remember Nala, with sweet memories, and we feel blessed to have gotten to know her....and her breed.
It was also nice to have gotten to meet you all, as well. (Nala's true mommy and daddy!)
Much love from the Johnsonville Brats to Nala....and her family.
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