The American Dream

In these times, where the news revolves around bigotry and hate, it is refreshing to be reminded about what we were intended to be. We have been told lately who we can and cannot love (gay marriage), where we can and cannot work and live (immigration reform), and who we should be at war with.
THEN a story, a true and wonderful story, comes along and reminds us of what it means to be free. What it means to be safe. What it means to work hard and be rewarded for your efforts. What it means to love and respect America. What it means to be strong for your family and go into the unknown for nothing more than a chance. A chance for the American dream.
When we have a bad day and wonder what we have done to deserve such a rotten existence take a moment to count all the blessings that we have been given. As we watch the news and the atrocities that we are sometimes forced to see in our military actions. We need to also realize that there is a possibility that we are liberating tired and poor people, who simply need our help. For those of us who have never faced oppression it is easy to criticize these actions, we need to ask the opinion of people who have lived through the truly bad moments in human atrocities. I was truly touched by the story of Rozsika. This wonderful story should inspire us all to love ourselves, love our family, and love our country.
Until we meet again.....Peace, Love, and the American Dream to all of you....Tj
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