While watching the disaster reports of Hurricane Katrina, CNN gave tribute to a wonderful organization called, Noah's Wish.
Noah's Wish is a not-for-profit animal welfare organization, with the straightforward mission of keeping animals alive during a disaster. That's it. They are not involved with any other animal welfare issues.
Over 75% of all donations go directly to helping animals, not inflated salaries or rent on elaborate office space. They do not send out appeal letters with heart wrenching photographs and sad stories to get donations.
They truly are there to help and provide shelter and care for these abandoned animals.
After reading their website today, reguarding the animals of Katrina, they now have 168 animals in the boarding shelter...100 in the emergency shelter and 40 in the grooming shop.
The 65 member rescue team has been performing door to door searches, setting up shelter in Slidell.
These members have come across numerous pets with injuries caused by windborne debris, collapsed buildings, and being struck by automobiles. The injured have been taken to the Louisiana State University Veterinary Hospital for treatment.
Please check out their website. They can use support. Go to
Thank goodness that there are dedicated, hard working people like this, that can help all the innocent pets that had to be left behind. May God bless them and guide them.
May all the animals find the peace and kind hands of this rescue. They shouldn't have had to experience this horrific existence, that was handed to them.
Noah's Wish will be trying to contact the pets owners and will take care of them, while their owners struggle with the problems that they are now faced with themselves.
We, here on the Moon, wish the very best for everyone. We pray that all of these problems become nonexistent for all...very soon.
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.........Lj
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