I just needed to play a nice song, that I really like.
My week at work sucked. People can be so cold and uncaring. I wish that I could win the lottery or something, so that I would never have to walk through those doors again. Where's that rich aunt that people always talk about?
I've worked at my place of employment for 13 years and I am totally burned out. The job that I do, really isn't bad. I don't mind the work at all. What I mind is the politics...the cliques...the gossip...the back-stabbing...the double standards...the pets, and the people who think they are so much better than everybody else.
I usually get along with everyone...but there are a few personalites that I am sick-to-death of. I cannot continue to live my life like this. This is not living. This is not the kind of life I would like it to be.
My home life is great!! Tj is fantastic and loves me so much and I love him the same. We have four wonderful fourlegged brat girls that are our "children". We have a nice home...nice cars...two wonderful daughters, and two precious "grand dogs" that are staying with us right now.
Tj has a really good job, with alot of clout and respect. He is in a manager position, that he has worked long and hard for. He puts in many, many hours at work. He is respected, not taken for granted. It's only my job...who is miserable.
Tj and I are planning a change. We talk about this change every day. Our plan is always in our conversation with each other. We have a plan and are very excited about it. We're just not real sure, as of yet, when or where it will happen. We're going to wing it. We're going to live life on the edge. We're going to unfold our wings and fly. Fly right out of Dodge!!
Hopefully this change will happen in the near future.
I'm not real sure that I can hold up this facade at work much longer. This mask is getting very, very heavy to hold up. I hope this change, in our life, takes me far, far away from where I am right now.
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Venting from the Moon.................Lj
Thank you are always so kind.
You've been in the medical field before, so I'm sure that you have run into some of the same situations that I have...those situations that I just can't take anymore.
There's really nothing that anyone can do...but thanks for the asking. Just hearing from you today made me feel really good and I appreciate you.
In the meantime...I just need to keep a "stiff upper lip" and hang in there until that window of opportunity opens, like you said.
Thanks again, Motherdear. Your advice is appreciated.
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