Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Today is a great day on the moon.

Last night when checking my messages,
I found one that was for our Marley May.

Turns out she is not Marley, but Nala. (Nawla)

She is an eight year old Rottweiler.

She is very well loved and gets to live with
one of her pups, Baron. (Baron is twice as big as Nala.)

She has a family with kids that were raised with her.

She will be a good role model for all their future dogs, to be judged by.

Life is good..........

Marley (oops), Nala is at home, and only one day before her trip to the vet!

Loads of puppy dog love from the Moon....Tj


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are indeed Nala's guardian angels... I have spent restless nights since she became missing and to receive the phone call late Sunday night that she was home was a miracle... but I do believe in miracles and angels and you all just reconfirmed it.
Nala's Grandma in Arizona

8:26 AM, March 15, 2006  

Thank you so much for commenting, Grandma Barbara.

We too are so happy for Nala and her wonderful family.

Nala was such a perfect angel while we had her.

And like I said...her sweet disposition just shows what a wonderful family that she has.... and has been raised by.

We were so thrilled to get to hear from you.

Thanks again....and believe me....Nala was not a problem at all and we are so happy for her.

We will always think of her with sweet memories.......


3:39 PM, March 16, 2006  

Thank you Kim.....

Yes...after seeing where she lived and where she wandered to...is frightening. There are HUGE four lane and six lane streets that she had to cross.

I'm so glad that she made it!!

Very scary!!!


5:06 PM, March 16, 2006  

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