We here on the Moon are very excited and proud. Our daughter Tamara, will soon be ordained in ministry.
She will be ordained on April 2nd, in Cleveland Ohio.
She studied for her ministry in Chicago, at Meadville Lombard Theological School.
Her graduation ceremony will be in June. She will be graduating with honors.
Needless to say.....we are beaming with joy.
Tamara writes..........
Ministry is about being called to be our highest selves and a search for truth and meaning in our own lives. Unitarian Universalism offers a message of reason, hope, and love. The ministry of any church requires much more than the work of the minister. I have a vision of a church where we are loved relentlessly, challenged regularly, and held accountable to ourselves and to the world: a place where we can be fallible and forgiven. I am looking for a church home where together, we will be able to risk affirming the inherent worth and dignity of all people, including ourselves. I see our churches as vehicles for transformation. I would like to assist in building a ministry that offers opportunities to mend and transform ourselves, each other, and our world. Come build a land.

Yes....I do. Very much!!
God gave to me a precious angel, who I named Tamara Celeste.
You are the "sunshine of my life."
You are the "apple of my eye."
Forever you'll stay in my heart.
I love you.....Mommy
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