Today on the Moon.....I am pooped!
I have spent so much time in the last two days, shopping for clothes to wear when we go to Cleveland, this upcoming weekend.
I have tried on so many clothes that my arms and legs are sore! My fingers still have dents, from holding the hangers!
Shopping for clothes has got to be the worst!
Trying to find the most perfect outfits, to make a good impression is tough. I suppose for some people it's fun....but for me it's pure torture!
It's a mad house out there in the clothes shopping world. There are women everywhere, grabbing this and grabbing that. I mean I couldn't get out of their way fast enough.
Just about everything that I tried on, looked GREAT on the rack.....but NOT on me.
The total amount of clothes that was allowed to be taken into the dressing room, to try on, was twelve. I did that three times! That's 36 different items!
Well, now I have ended up with my bedroom full of clothes, but I will be taking some of them back to the return desk. After getting them home....they just don't look right. Imagine that!!
I finally did end up with a few nice looking items. I just hope that they are right for the job!
I'll be meeting alot of people and I really want to look nice and make that "good impression".
I've never spent so much time, being so frustrated and on the edge of tears, as I was this weekend......SHOPPING!
I still need to buy shoes, but that shouldn't be near the challenge.

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