April 2nd, of the year 2006, was a great day!
On this day....all of Tamara's four years of ministeral training, studies, and hard work finally performed for her.
Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, provided her theological education, and while in Chicago, she completed Clinical Pastoral Education Units at the University of Chicago Hospital and at the Stateville Men's Prison in Joliet, Illinois.
She is currently completing the Organizational Development Intensive Training Program: Becoming a Better Intervener, at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, Ohio.
She also holds a certificate from the Graham School for Non-Profit Management, at the University of Chicago.
Tamara was awarded the 2006 John Wolfe Preaching Scholarship, and spent much of January with the All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
During that time she was also working with Dr Lee Barker of Meadville Lombard Theological School to develop a course in Large Church Administration; a project that placed her in conversation with large-church ministers all around the country.
Tamara is also an experienced facilitator and trainer. She was recently in Washington, D.C. conducting a training for the National Park Service, called "Transcending Boundaries: Facilitating and Managing Complex Systems Change."
For the past year, Tamara has served her internship and has continued as the Sabbatical Minister, at the West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, in Rocky River, Ohio.
The West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, in Rocky River Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland Ohio, is the church where Tamara was ordained as Minister, on April 2nd, 2006.
The West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church had not ordained a minister in ten years.
Needless to say, everyone was very excited about this and Tamara had truly touched all of them.
Everyone that I spoke with (and overheard), had such wonderful things to say about her. She truly was an asset to their church and they will miss her.
As a musician, Tamara founded and performed at what has been named "Uncle Waldo's Coffee House." See it at www.unclewaldos.com .
On Saturday night, musicians from all over the country come and play for all to see.
Tj and I went on Saturday April 1st to "Uncle Waldos Coffee House", and had the pleasure of becoming true-blue fans of an excellent musician/songwriter, Peter Mayer. He thrilled the audience with his fabulous music and lyrics. It was definately a night to remember.
Peter had a nice size croud that evening to entertain, and I don't think that there was one person that ever took their eyes or their ears off of him. He captivates his audience like none that I have ever seen or heard, with his astounding melodic music and his fun-loving song. He was wonderful!
Peter put on a fabulous show and performed again, the next evening, at Tamara's ordination. Tamara was very happy and so very proud to have him there. Peter definately added a nice touch to the evening.
Many people came together from near and far.......

Everyone came together, at the West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church in Rocky River, Ohio.

At the beginning of the ceremony.....Tamara lit three candles in memory of those who could not be there.
The second candle was lit for her grandmother and grandfather, Norma Jeanne Johnson-McFeely and Leon Calvin McFeely, who are my parents.
Also included was her other grandmother, Majorie Page Compton-Bone and her grandfather, James Earnest Bone, who are the parents of her father.
Both sets of grandparents, had already passed away.
It was a very quiet and heart-wrenching moment.

The choir sang beautifully, accompanied by the large powerful pipe organ.

Colleagues and Ministers spoke..... And we all listened with teary eyes and proud smiles.....
Tamara was then asked to step down in front of the podium.......
Everyone in the congregation was asked to touch another person's shoulder, which then led to "the putting of hands" on Tamara. Everyone was connected and it was a joyous feeling! Tamara was then welcomed to the Ministry......
She then became a Minister and a Colleague.
Everyone smiled, cried, and was joyful!
There she is.....Reverend Tamara Lebak
She's a happy Reverend!!
Tamara shows off her new hand-beaded stole, that was given to her. Everybody loves Tamara!
The cake was fabulous!! And all of the flower arrangements throughout were gorgeous!
Reverend Tamara Celeste Lebak.
We had such a wonderful time in Cleveland! We got to meet some of the nicest people, that we've ever had the pleasure of getting to meet.
I wish we could have brought everyone back home with us!
I will remember this day, along with Tamara, forever. It was truly a "Joyous Occasion!"
There couldn't have been a Mother, anywhere in the world, as proud as I was that day, and now. She's the perfect daughter and I'm so glad that she's mine.
And yes, to answer everyone's question.......Tj and I did get to go to the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."
It was "Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious!!!!" And pretty groovy to boot! We really enjoyed it.
Until we meet again.....One proud Momma and one proud step-Dad from the Moon..................Lj & Tj.