CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. - The phrase "you lucky dog" has taken on new meaning for one Coral Spring puppy.
Jasmine, a 6-month-old golden retriever, was on a morning run with her owner, Michael Rubin. The dog ran ahead to the edge of a pond, where it met up with a hungry alligator.
The intrepid Rubin jumped right into the water and started beating the gator with his fists. Not giving up easily, the reptile rolled in the water with the dog in its mouth.
Rubin eventually managed to free his pet.
At a local animal hospital, Jasmine was treated for cuts and puncture wounds. She's now home, doing fine. BLESS THE MAN WHO RUMBLES WITH AN ALLIGATOR AND SAVES HIS DOG!!!Until we meet again.....Greetings and Puppy Dog Love from the Moon................Lj
FUNNY SIGN........
Thought this would never happen.......
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon................Lj
FUNNY SIGN........
This is cute!!!
This is sad............
Until we meet again.....Spinach and Tofu from the Moon................................Lj
MAY 18TH.....
MAY 18TH.......
A gift from Budda
Chin-tzy Tai Chi
On April 25th, 2006 Budda sent us a little Pekingese.
According to ancient history, the Chinese believed that if you found a Pekingese it was sent to you by Budda, to ward off evil spirits. The Pekingese was the original Foo dog, which you may see a statue of in front of many Chinese restaurants. His purpose was to protect the royalty of China, and all commoners must bow to these dogs as royalty.
The Peke was almost forced into extinction when the British attacked. The Chinese killed all but a few, not wanting their precious breed in the hands of others. The British took these few back to the Queen, which were bred and continues to this day. They came to America in 1898 and became AKC registered in 1906.
On that day in April, I was driving home and this little guy was sitting on the corner of our quiet little street, waiting. Waiting for us to take him home. I was on the phone with Lj when he darted under my vehicle. I stopped and he was fine but no identification whatsoever. I tried to describe him to Lj , saying, "he looked like a long haired Pug." Lj asked if he had a little black mask on his face. I said, "yes." She laughingly stated that, "it must be a Pekingese."
Lj had grown up around these little dogs and was very familiar with the breed. When she came home that evening Lj fell in love with him and started a 2 week long, search for his owners. No signs or ads in the paper, no local vets that could recognize him and no microchip in him.
After a week Lj finally settled on the name Chin-Tzy named after a Chinese marathon runner. Although we laughingly state that God was "Chintzy" with his short little legs. Tai Chi is because of his "large energy."
So we now have added a little boy named Chin-tzy Tai chi to our brood of Johnsonville brats.
Until we meet again.....Lots of love and puppy dog paws from the Moon......Tj