Finally....Here on the Moon, we are beginning to feel the cool crisp temperatures of fall.Autumn has got to be the best of the four seasons. The sky is so brilliantly blue, being accompanied by those snow white fluffy clouds quietly floating throughout the day. The sun seems to look and feel differently, as it shines down upon our precious Mother Earth.Soon the leaves on the trees will change into their fall colored shades of golds...oranges...browns...and reds. What could be prettier?Yes...Autumn has got to be the best!"AUTUMN IS IN THE AIR"As She reaches out to tickle my nose,I can feel Her cool crisp breeze.I can hear Her brisk north wind,As it whispers throughout the trees.I can see Her many shades of green,Exchange places with cousins of red.I can taste Mother Nature's misty dew,As She begins tucking Her children in bed.While She tantalizes my inner emotions,I am smelling Her clear brittle affair.All of my senses, they have come alive,Because Autumn is in the air.Mother Nature's Autumn...She's in the air!(poem by Lj)
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon................Lj
It's Wednesday, here on the Moon, and today at work we are celebrating a co-workers birthday with lots of good food. It was decided that Mexican food would be the theme. I am going to bring my infamous 10 layered dip, which the birthday girl asked me to bring, and also a big crock pot full of Spanish rice and some cream cheese/salsa dip. We all will definately be eating good today! Other co-workers are bringing cheese dip...and all the fixings to make chicken tacos and burritos. Yum-Yum! We will try and fit in some work somewhere between the tacos and the chips and dips.So...last night you could find me in the kitchen, whipping up all of the goodies that I will be taking to work today. I believe that Tj snapped a picture of me slaving over the hot stove. I will post it above......Until we meet again.....bon appetit.....Oh...and Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..................Lj
BACK TO THE 'OL GRIND on the Moon, I find that it is Monday again.My artsy project of finding the most perfect pictures to place with the song lyrics of, "America the Beautiful", has been completed. (see my comments of my project under the comment section under the post of "THE END").So, today is Monday.....and it's back to the 'ol same o same o. It's time again to get out there in the "world" and hit the Tarmac.We here on the Moon, wish everyone a great week. Our hearts go out to all those folks in Texas and Louisiana. We hope and pray that their lives will return to normal very soon.I'm sure that they would give anything to get back to the 'ol same o same o. that perspective.....I believe that again, we are very blessed.Gotta hit the road now and go put in my time.........Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..............Lj
Another really wonderful animal welfare organization, that we here on the Moon, are very familiar with is called, "Best Friends".The "Best Friends" rescue group is also helping out in the rescue of animals, that have been left stranded in the hell hole, left from Hurricane Katrina.This is a fantastic organization that helps all animals far and wide. Please go and check out their website at . Go there and read about all the wonderful things that they do, and what dedicated fantastic people they are. I receive their magazine, and it is such great reading with so many wonderful pictures and stories, of their many captures and adoptions.They too, along with "Noahs Wish" have helped out with their kind hands and time, to save these precious souls. May God guide them to find them.Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.............Lj
While watching the disaster reports of Hurricane Katrina, CNN gave tribute to a wonderful organization called, Noah's Wish. Noah's Wish is a not-for-profit animal welfare organization, with the straightforward mission of keeping animals alive during a disaster. That's it. They are not involved with any other animal welfare issues. Over 75% of all donations go directly to helping animals, not inflated salaries or rent on elaborate office space. They do not send out appeal letters with heart wrenching photographs and sad stories to get donations. They truly are there to help and provide shelter and care for these abandoned animals. After reading their website today, reguarding the animals of Katrina, they now have 168 animals in the boarding shelter...100 in the emergency shelter and 40 in the grooming shop. The 65 member rescue team has been performing door to door searches, setting up shelter in Slidell. These members have come across numerous pets with injuries caused by windborne debris, collapsed buildings, and being struck by automobiles. The injured have been taken to the Louisiana State University Veterinary Hospital for treatment. Please check out their website. They can use support. Go to Thank goodness that there are dedicated, hard working people like this, that can help all the innocent pets that had to be left behind. May God bless them and guide them. May all the animals find the peace and kind hands of this rescue. They shouldn't have had to experience this horrific existence, that was handed to them.Noah's Wish will be trying to contact the pets owners and will take care of them, while their owners struggle with the problems that they are now faced with themselves.We, here on the Moon, wish the very best for everyone. We pray that all of these problems become nonexistent for all...very soon. Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.........Lj
What the world needs now is love...sweet loveIt's the only thing, that there's just too little of.What the world needs now is love...sweet loveNo, not just for some....but for every one.( Hal David )Imagine no possessionsI wonder if you can.No need for greed or hunger,A brotherhood of man.Imagine all the people,Sharing all the world...I hope some day The world will live as one. ( John Lennon )Great lyrics....Fantastic songs....Deep meaning.Peace and love to all of us......Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.............Lj
Our prayers to all......Lj