Wednesday, August 31, 2005


For the last couple of days, we here on the Moon, have awakened each morning in the comfort of our own bed, dressed with clean dry sheets and fluffy pillows.

We have taken our showers, with fresh clean water and dried ourselves off with soft laundered towels.

We have gone to our refrigerator and poured ourselves some nice cold grape juice, and hugged and patted our sweet four legged Brats on their furry little heads.

We have hugged and kissed one another and wished each other to have a good day at work, knowing that we will be together again at the end of the work day, to enjoy one anothers company.

These are just a few things that we do every day.

These are just a few things that the people who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina cannot do.

I want to give thanks, that we here on the Moon are safe and sound.

I want to give thanks, for those little things that we all take for granted each day.

I want to give thanks for our fresh water, clean dry clothes, food in the refrigerator, safety of our loved ones, and the undamaged roof that's over our head.

May God bless all of the families afflicted by Hurricane Katrina. May their lives get back to their normal state very soon.

And may we all learn a great lesson from this tragedy, to not take the humdrum things in life for granted.

Peace and comfort to all.........

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..................Lj

Monday, August 29, 2005


We, here on the Moon, wish safety for all of those who have been effected by Hurricane Katrina.

We pray for all of the families, and for their homes and businesses that were in the dreadful path of this storm.

But, most of all, we hope and pray for shelter and safety for all of the innocent animals that had to face such a frightful situation.

We pray that all lost will be found, all hungry will be fed, all scared will be comforted, and all lonely will be loved.

God bless the animals. Keep them safe.

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...............Lj

Sunday, August 28, 2005


I celebrate this day of August 28th!

Tamara Celeste

A celebration of a life,
Brought forth to me today.
In Oakland California,
Thirty three years away.

A blessed little cherub,
A gift from Heaven above.
A precious baby girl,
For me to hold and love.

A wondrous package of pink,
Wrapped up and presented to me.
Strangers to one another,
With love holding the key.

Ten toes and ten fingers,
I counted right away.
The tiny face of an angel,
Was given to me this day.

Just one look into her face,
Her eyes looking up at me.
I knew this was the beginning,
Her Mother I was to be.

Many names had come to mind,
While deciding on Tamara Celeste.
A tiny angel Heavenly sent.
This name would fit her best.

A blessed little cherub,
A gift from Heaven above,
A precious baby girl,
For me to hold and love.

A celebration of life,
Was brought forth to me this day,
A life that changed my life,
Thirty three years ago today.

Happy Birthday Tamara!
With all my love to you........Mommy

AUGUST 28TH, 1972

It was 5:02 am Pacific Standard Time, on this very day back in 1972, Oakland California, when my life changed dramatically and for the better.

On this early August morn, I was introduced to someone very special in my life. This meeting had been planned from the start, with love abounding from me and all of my family.

My special day was now here, after waiting those long nine months, for the arrival of this very special person.

Awaking to the call at 2:00 am, a quick shower and the grabbing of my suitcase, I then departed to our designated place of meeting.

I only had to wait just a few hours, until we finally got the chance to see one another, face to face.....eye to eye.

What a wonderful gift. What a lovely soul. What a precious life. What a sweet angel.

At 5:02 am, that delightful August morning, I gave birth to a beautiful 8lb 8oz, healthy baby girl. She was the prettiest thing I think that I have ever seen. And still is to this day.

I consider myself to be very lucky, to be so blessed with such a wonderful daughter.

Happy birthday, my darling daughter. Your appearance on this day, has made my life complete.

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..............Mommy......Lj

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Sometimes, we find, that the all elusive time gets away from us. Thus we become out of the loop. Life then goes on all around us, but we are too busy to slow down and notice. This, in my view, is nothing more than catastrophe.

The whole point of being professional is to be able to enjoy the times that you don't have to be.

There has to be a fine balance between living to work and working to live. When I notice that I am working to live, then I take no time to make (or retain) any quality memories. This makes for wasted time, and of course time is what we really want to have. Time to live, love, and acknowledge life's daily interactions. To appreciate the blessings that most usually ignore.

Time to get back in the loop. A return back to balance.

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.....Tj

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Hooray!! Discovery and her crew have landed back on Earth safely. We, here on the Moon, are in celebration.

Congratulations to NASA and the astronauts!

Home is where you hang your space suit.

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..............Lj

Saturday, August 06, 2005


We, here on the Moon, believe it to be a crying shame of what's becoming the fate of the American Pit Bull Terrier. It's such a sad situation, that city governments are making the decision to outlaw this breed.

Denver Colorado has just recently banned the breed, sending out letters of warning to their residents who own pit bulls or a mixed breed of the dog. Denver residents are now hard-pressed to find a new home for the dogs that are a part of their lives and of their family.

I honestly do not believe that the America Pit Bull Terrier is a bad breed of dog. I personally have had two, in my life, as a part of my family. Snydley Whiplash and Ranger Danger, were wonderful loving dogs, with no social problems at all. Just two good boys, that I still miss to this day.

I really hate to put all the blame on the owners of these dogs, but I have witnessed pit bulls when brought up in a loving home, and they're just like any other dog.

I can't say that all of these dogs have been raised in the loving home environment though. In fact, I'm sure that some haven't been. Some pit bulls have been trained to be aggressive, by means of torture, demands, and teasing.

I'm also sure that any breed of dog could be taught this way, but the American Pit Bull Terrier, gets the rap.

I believe that these dogs are just a victim of circumstance.

So, my heart goes out to all the American Pit Bull Terrier owners, who have to face these laws given to them and obey.

We, here on the Moon, have four precious Brats and I can't even imagine having to find another home for one of them or even worse, put any one of them down.

The reckless, bad pit bull owners have made it unfortunate for the innocent, good pit bull owners, and for all the pit bulls that have to face this destiny given to them.

We here on the Moon are so sorry that it had to come to this. It does makes you wonder......which breed is next?

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..............Lj

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Eighty years ago today something very special happened, the planet earth met a beautiful new being and my grandmother was born.

Time is a very interesting thing. I realized this as I ate lunch with my grandmother today. We talked about when she grew up and even though I was partially raised by her, I found out a lot I didn't know. For instance, when she was a child and lived in southern Illinois, she and her father would listen to baseball on the radio.

Whoa, wait a minute!! My Grandmother liked baseball?? Yes, in fact quite a bit. You see, they would take family outings to go and see their second favorite team play, the Browns, always wishing to see the Cardinals. It must have been terrible to not be close enough to see your favorite team. But all in all good fun. They even got lost and went the wrong way once after a game in Missouri. They went back, got directions again and got lost the same as the first time by taking a right, no a left, no a right. Well, you get the idea..

All in all I reflect on today, the culmination of eighty years of living. The joys of four children and 9 grandchildren. Of living in many different places, in many different times. Of witnessing so many great moments in history and for surviving life's tragedies. And most of all, for keeping the best of attitudes during every aspect of life, the good and the bad. Thanks go out to my Grandmother on her blessed day, and come to think of it...OURS !!

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the moon.....Tj


We, here on the Moon, would like to take a moment to wish all of our brave astronauts a safe and uneventful return to Mother Earth.

The delima that they are facing out in space, places all of our own personal worries and frets in check.

We pray for them to be in the welcoming arms of their family and friends very soon, safe and sound, and in the warm embraces of home.

The best of luck to them. And may the Angels be at their side.

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...................Lj

Wednesday, August 03, 2005



Hope everyone has a fantastic "Hump Day".......

Until we meet again......Peace! Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..........Lj


Wow! The Rainbow Fairy must be pouring her exquisite charm upon my work week.

Tuesday was another really nice, uneventful day at work. Two days in a row! Man, I'm blessed.

All of my co-workers were still in a great mood, which I am so grateful for. I tend to feed off of their dispositions, no matter how hard I try not to. I'm tuned in to them for some reason.

So, needless to say, I really like it when the people that I work with, are in a good mood.

I myself, in most cases, am a very happy person, with a good positive attitude. I like it that way. Life just feels good, when you're happy.

Maybe the Rainbow Fairy is spreading her abundance of joy on my co-workers, as well. I sure hope so, and I desire that she continues to do so.

Tuesday was peaceful and calm, like rainbows and butterflies.

The rest of the week is bound to be just as good. Because you know..........I'm thinking positive!

Until we meet again.....Peace! and Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...................Lj

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Well, I made it through another Monday. Can you believe it?

I must admit though, that I had myself all prepared for the typical wild day at the office, but in actuality, the day was quite peaceful. I mean, unusually peaceful! I really like peaceful.

Everyone seemed to be in a decent mood, which really helps out tremendously, since I spend so much of my awake life with these people. I swear, you spend more time with your co-workers every week, than you do your own family! I savor decent moods!

Monday was a good day, though. None of us were weighed down with any extreme work loads and we all seemed to enjoy one anothers company.

We all had the time to talk about vacations that were had, vacations coming soon, what movies we saw over the weekend, what food was thrown on the grill, what "The Baby" did, and of course, I always have some funny story to tell everyone about my four legged Brats.

Everything, on this Monday, ran very smooth. I really like smooth. I can actually enjoy work days like that.

And you are so right, MotherDear, about feeling really good about having a job and being able to do the things that you want to do in life.

Thanks again for commenting, by the way. You speak the truth and I like that. I like the truth. It makes sense.

Well, I hope all of you have a really peaceful work week that's left ahead, and just remember this one last thing.........Only four more days til the weekend!!

Until we meet again.....Peace.....and Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.................Lj

Monday, August 01, 2005

BIG OL' BIRD the weekend's over and Monday has shown it's ugly face to us again. Back to the same ol' same ol'. Time to get into the car and hit the rush hour traffic. Whooppee!!

It's true what they say about time flying when you're having fun. It seems that it truly does!

Still, I wish that I could hop on a big ol' bird and just fly right outta here. Maybe Paris...or Las Vegas...or even Venice would be nice. Just go!

Enough day dreaming! Instead, I'll be the loyal, dedicated employee that I am, and head off to work. Oh, well, what's new? There's me and millions of others doing "The Time".

I'll just put a smile on my face and do my time, like I always do, and work for the weekend like everyone else, that's not a Hilton, or a Rockafeller, or a Trump. Maybe in my next life, huh?

Until then.....I hope all of you have a really great work week, and hopefully we all will be appreciated and not be taken for granted. Yea.....right!

Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..........Lj

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