Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dearest Lord of all..........
In this day and time, Dear Lord, I realize that there are so many important things to pray for, but we here on the Moon, are in desperate need of your blessing.
Our dear, sweet Angelou has fallen ill and needs your healing hands. Please reach down and touch her precious soul and give her strength and health.
Angelou has touched so many of our lives, in her short time here with us.
I pray and ask you, with all of my heart, to hold little Angelou gently in your hands and give her more time, here on earth with us.
Caress her, Dear Lord, and bless her with your love.
We ask you for your help, Dear Lord, and pray for Angelou and all of us that love her.
Please touch all of the doctors and personnel, that are helping Angelou, with your knowledge and love.
Angelou is in your hands, Dear Lord, and we pray for her wellness.
We know that the animals, are also creatures of your love.
Thank you Lord and bless her..........

Until we meet again.....Tears, prayers, and love from the Moon............Lj
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Today on the Moon.....I am pooped!
I have spent so much time in the last two days, shopping for clothes to wear when we go to Cleveland, this upcoming weekend.
I have tried on so many clothes that my arms and legs are sore! My fingers still have dents, from holding the hangers!
Shopping for clothes has got to be the worst!
Trying to find the most perfect outfits, to make a good impression is tough. I suppose for some people it's fun....but for me it's pure torture!
It's a mad house out there in the clothes shopping world. There are women everywhere, grabbing this and grabbing that. I mean I couldn't get out of their way fast enough.
Just about everything that I tried on, looked GREAT on the rack.....but NOT on me.
The total amount of clothes that was allowed to be taken into the dressing room, to try on, was twelve. I did that three times! That's 36 different items!
Well, now I have ended up with my bedroom full of clothes, but I will be taking some of them back to the return desk. After getting them home....they just don't look right. Imagine that!!
I finally did end up with a few nice looking items. I just hope that they are right for the job!
I'll be meeting alot of people and I really want to look nice and make that "good impression".
I've never spent so much time, being so frustrated and on the edge of tears, as I was this weekend......SHOPPING!
I still need to buy shoes, but that shouldn't be near the challenge.

Saturday, March 18, 2006
We here on the Moon are very excited and proud. Our daughter Tamara, will soon be ordained in ministry.
She will be ordained on April 2nd, in Cleveland Ohio.
She studied for her ministry in Chicago, at Meadville Lombard Theological School.
Her graduation ceremony will be in June. She will be graduating with honors.
Needless to say.....we are beaming with joy.
Tamara writes..........
Ministry is about being called to be our highest selves and a search for truth and meaning in our own lives. Unitarian Universalism offers a message of reason, hope, and love. The ministry of any church requires much more than the work of the minister. I have a vision of a church where we are loved relentlessly, challenged regularly, and held accountable to ourselves and to the world: a place where we can be fallible and forgiven. I am looking for a church home where together, we will be able to risk affirming the inherent worth and dignity of all people, including ourselves. I see our churches as vehicles for transformation. I would like to assist in building a ministry that offers opportunities to mend and transform ourselves, each other, and our world. Come build a land.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Today is a great day on the moon.
Last night when checking my messages,
I found one that was for our Marley May.
Turns out she is not Marley, but Nala. (Nawla)
She is an eight year old Rottweiler.
She is very well loved and gets to live with
one of her pups, Baron. (Baron is twice as big as Nala.)
She has a family with kids that were raised with her.
She will be a good role model for all their future dogs, to be judged by.
Life is good..........
Marley (oops), Nala is at home, and only one day before her trip to the vet!
Loads of puppy dog love from the Moon....Tj
Saturday, March 11, 2006
My new mommy told me that some people think that I'm a boy.........
BUT....... I'm just a girl!!

My new daddy told me that I was a good girl.....

My new daddy told me that I shouldn't roll in the dry dead grass, after a bath.....My new mommy and daddy tell me that I sleep really nice at night.....
I'm just a girl..... Who likes to have fun.....
My new mommy and daddy tell me that I am a piece of art..... My new mommy and daddy are always telling me that I am pretty.....
My new mommy and daddy showed me what they call a "doggie door".....
My new mommy and daddy seemed so surprised when I learned how to use the "doggie door" so quickly.....
I like to go outside and lay in the sun.....
My new mommy and daddy told me I was good, because I don't "bark" at everything..... My new mommy and daddy told me that they knew, that I had been a Mother.....
I wonder how they knew.....? My new mommy and daddy are very smart.....
And me........Well........I'm just a girl.
My new mommy and daddy are calling me "Marley May".
My new mommy said she tried to think up a name that sounded like the "month of March".....since that's when my new daddy found me.
She told my new daddy that "Marley" was a nice name.
She also told my new daddy that since his birthday was in the month of May.....then May could be my middle name.
My new mommy and daddy tell me that "Marley May" is a pretty name......
And I think so too!
I guess this must mean.....I'M A JOHNSONVILLE BRAT!!!
So.....Until we meet again.....I'm living the good life, at Tranquillity Base, on the Moon.....................Mm (lj)
And don't forget......that......"I'm just a girl"!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
TO BE OR NOT TO BE........
Do you know me?
I'm a really good girl, but somehow I managed to get out of my house.....and then.....I ended up on this big car lot, where I saw alot of different cars and people that didn't look familiar to me.
Everyone that I walked up to was nice to me, but I didn't see my mommy and daddy anywhere.
Then.....this really extra nice man person came up to me and talked to me and scratched me on the head and patted me. He was very kind to me.
He then told me to lay down, and I did, and he looked me all over, from one end to the other. Maybe he was looking for something.....I really don't know.
He then told me to "wait" I did.
Before I knew it.....the nice man person came back to me and put a leash on me.
We then walked together, and he picked me up and put me in his big truck car. I was thinking that maybe he might know my mommy and daddy, and that he was going to take me back to my house. Well.....I was wrong......
After riding a short distance.....we then ended up at another house, where I heard him say, that I was going to get to meet the "Johnsonville Brats".
I wasn't really sure what he was talking about.....but I was soon to find out.
Sure enough.....we went inside and there was four, fourlegged girls there to greet me. Everyone was very nice to me, but I still didn't see my mommy and daddy anywhere.
There was a really nice lady person there too.....but she wasn't my mommy either.
I've been staying at this house now for four days, and the nice man and nice lady person have been very kind to me......
They have given me plenty of food and drink.
They even gave me my own bed to sleep on!
Do you think that means that I am now a "Johnsonville Brat" too?
I heard the nice man person tell me that my mommy and daddy must not be reading the ad that is about me, in the paper.
I know that my mommy and daddy can read, because I've seen them in my house, doing just that.
Where is my mommy and daddy?
Am I a Johnsonville Brat?
Everyone here is very nice to me.....although they just can't seem to get my name right! They have looked at me and called me all sorts of names.....but I just look back at them with the best look that I can, that tells them, "Nope.....that's not my name"!
I do what they tell me though.....
I sit when they say, "sit".
I lay down when they say, "lay down".
I stay when they say, "stay".
Maybe my mommy and daddy will read that paper today.
Maybe my mommy and daddy will notice that I am not there anymore.
Maybe my mommy and daddy are missing me......
I wish I hadn't left my home that day.
Maybe I won't ever see my mommy and daddy again.
Maybe I will become a Johnsonville Brat now.....
Well.....I guess things could be worse.
So, again I ask.....Do you know me?

Friday, March 03, 2006
Check this out......
This is really cool and the choice of music and synchonization is fabulous!
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.................Lj
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