Today is Sunday, here on the Moon. I believe that it would be a really good thing if each and every one of us would take just a moment out of our busy lives to stop and give thanks for all things made possible for us, in this crazy life of ours. I think we should all bow our heads in prayer for those who are not as fortunate as we are. I pray for the joyful and safe return of all our soldiers to their families. I pray for peace to surround our precious Earth, like the comfort of a Mothers' arms embracing her crying child, allowing all of humanity to forgive one another, learning to live together in harmony and with understanding. I pray that all heads of countries to have compassion and mercy for all of their people. This is what I believe we should take a moment today to recognize. I also pray that your lives be filled with all the wonderful, fortunate joys of love and peace, and that you should never want. Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...............Lj
Awwwwwwww.....Saturday on the Moon. That's enough to put a smile on my face. No hustle-bustle...not a care in the world. Total relaxation. This is the feeling that I work all week to achieve. And here it is again, and it feels so good. Now I must admit, that there ARE plenty of tasks to do around the Base, here. You know, you have to catch up on all the little and big things that you have put off, all the working week to do. But at least this is MY time and I can do it or not do it as I wish. I only have to answer to myself. No time snide go-to-hell looks. Heck...the Brats don't care. You get the picture, I'm sure. There's nothing better than marching to your own drum. And right now, my drum has been put up in the attic. I may just enjoy this day and not do any of those ol' tasks. I mean there's always tomorrow, right? I may decide just to leave that drum up in the attic all day today! Surf the on-line a movie or junk food. Whatever the case may be, I am in control, and I like it! I am such a nice boss to myself......Hope you enjoy your Saturday. I know that I will! Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..........Lj
HOORAY!!!! Let's all give a shout out! The weekend is here! Hooray!!!!! Hope everyone has a fantastic one.......Hooray!!!!! Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.............Lj
Finally, here on the Moon, a reprieve. It's Wednesday, and a cold weather front has come through our region, bringing along with it a tranquil cool rain. It feels so good. I'd almost forgotten what the cooler temperature felt like. I like it. It is welcomed. This cool front, with the rain, is suppose to last for a couple of days. Let us not forget that August still hasn't shown it's face to us yet. I'm sure that there are many hot days yet to come, but for now, I am grateful for the rain. Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...........Lj
Here on the Moon, it's Sunday. It's funny how you wait and work all week for the weekend and then it just flys by so quickly. Today we and the Brats are staying in and making it a "day of movies". Monday will be here before we know it and then we'll be working and waiting for the weekend again, just to have it fly by, and start the cycle all over again. Other than that, it's been nice spending our time together with this "down time". Hope all of you had a nice weekend and have a good week ahead.Until we meet again.....Greeting and Salutations from the Moon....................Lj
FEELS LIKE A HEAT LAMP!'s finally the weekend, here on the Moon. It's Saturday, but I think I'll just stay inside the house with the Brats today. It is soooooo hot outside! The prediction is 100 degrees or more. I just can't seem to muster up enough gumption to even stick a single toe out there! I'm telling's hot! It feels like your standing in front of a heat lamp! It's probably just as well that I don't go anywhere, anyway. I'd probably just end up spending some money somewhere. It's best to stay inside, safe and sound in the cool atmosphere of Tranquillity Base, with the Brats. Maybe I'll just play some online poker..... or order some stuff off the internet..... and later, maybe I'll even order a pizza to be delivered. It's funny how you can still spend money, even if you stay at home!! Shopping in your underwear.....Now that is truly heaven on earth. don't even have to fight for a parking place! It is best to stay away from that heat lamp, right? Gotta go.....gonna go check out some of my favorite on-line stores! I'm sure there's something "out there", that I need!Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon............Lj
It's Friday, today on the Moon, and we are all looking toward the weekend. We all can see it from here! It's just around the corner!! Hope all of you will have a nice one! Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon.
Well.....Here on the Moon, we are in a State of Celebration. My co-worker friend (T), just got back from an exciting fun-filled trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. She got to stay in a beautiful time-share villa, that included a really nice swimming pool WITH lazy river. Sounds nice, huh? She told me all about her trip, which included the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton, Cirque du Soleil at the Bellagio, and the World Poker Tour at Binions. She told me that she even rode the roller coaster, at New York New York. She was a very brave soul to ride that coaster! I've seen it "up close and personal"and it looks very scary to me! It's a rail coaster with some loop-de-loops and very fast. It looked "smooth" she said, but it wasn't. It beat her up. She had fun anyway, but not real sure that she would ever ride it again. I'm glad she had a great time, but I'm also very glad to have her back at work. I missed her. One of the places that she visited in Vegas was M&M World. It's located up by the MGM Grand. I don't know if you remember reading my blog about the new dark chocolate m&m's a while back. If you haven't read it, you need too. It's located in the May 2005 post called, "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand".In the blog I wrote about how excited I was that finally there was going to be dark chocolate m&m's. I mean, can't you imagine a luscious dark chocolate with that famous candy shell? Well, since I wrote that back in May.......I have yet to find them anywhere! Well, guess what (T) brought me back from Las Vegas.....DARK CHOCOLATE M&M'S!!! from M&M World. Let me tell you now that they are DELICIOUS!! And they are in the coolest colors too, including silver and blue and lavender. They are soooooo good and I am still on the lookout for those little dark gems somewhere, around this neck of the woods. So keep your eyes open and see if you can find them. Send me all your dark chocolate m&m's...... send me all your dark chocolate m&m's....... Oh, and again, "Thanks (T), I really appreciate the gift and you." Send me all your dark chocolate m&m's...... Send me all your dark choc........................ Gotta go.......having a dark chocolate m&m attack!!Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Chocolate Factory.......Uhhh.....I mean, the Moon............Lj
TWO ROSES STILL STANDINGTwo roses still standing,Colors peach and yellow.Two beauties, left from six,From my special fellow.Only two roses remaining,Representing him and me.How we stand side by side,Through calm and rough sea.Minutes turn into days,And days, from those hours.Our lives together as one,Represented with flowers.Those two that still stand, Show our love, how it grows.Time left together on Earth,Only The Highest shall know. But someday we'll move on,Like the four from that vase.Withered and lifeless,With an expressionless face.Just remember this always,True love we did share.To meet again with same feelings,Of love and to care.....for each other.Two roses still standing, Colors peach and yellow.Two beauties, left from sixFrom my special fellow.LjI'm still enjoying my anniversary roses.Thank you again, Sweetie.Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon......with love, Lj
BACK TO WORK! is Monday here on the Moon. The weekend's over and it's time to head back to the old work scene. It's just another Monday and it's time to gather the nuts. Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...........Lj
Today is Sunday, here on the Moon.....I pray for peace and harmony for all. I pray for the safety of our soldiers and ask for tranquility for their families. May God bless each and every one of us. Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...............Lj
It's Saturday morning, here on the Moon, and I just enjoyed one of my favorite muffins for breakfast. If you've never tried a "poppyseed" muffin, you really need to. It's got to be one of the best muffins out there, with banana nut....cranberry orange....and chocolate chip running a close second. I purchased these muffins at a grocery store here called, "Albertson's." Now, I'm really not sure if there's an "Albertson's" in your neck of the woods, but there's bound to be a good "poppyseed" muffin out there somewhere, for all to buy and try. Delicious! So the next time you're in your favorite grocery store or market, give the "poppyseed" muffin a go. You won't be disappointed. Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...................Lj
TEN BAGS AND COUNTING today at work I asked a co-worker where she would be going next week, on her time off away from the work scene. She tells me that she is going to "try out" some of the new lawn furniture that she had recently purchased and that she would be taking a drive to McAlister Oklahoma to visit some of her family. At this point in our conversation, I'm thinking to myself, "Self.....I believe that there is a KUM and GO store in McAlister!" Sure enough.....there is a KUM and GO store in McAlister! "Do I dare ask?" Do I dare go into the lengthy story of our drive last Sunday to Sand it was a "Ghost Town".....the KUM and GO store and my fantastic kettle cooked potato chip find?" Well why the hell not! You know as well as I do that I was dying to I then decided to begin my tale.So, to make a long story short.....I have put in my order for five bags of the dill pickle kettle cooked potato chips and five bags of the bar-b-que kettle cooked potato chips.My co-workers probably think that I'm crazy.....but I don't care. My taste buds aren't crazy and I do intend on sharing the two flavors with my friends, when she returns with the goods. I kind of feel obligated, for heavens sake. I mean my co-workers have all heard my KUM and GO story. And besides that.....I want them to be able to taste what a really great dill pickle and bar-b-que kettle cooked potato chip tastes like. It will definately raise their bar!Over the teeth and through the gums.....Look out!!Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon..........Lj
BEAUTIES IN A VASERoses are red, yellow.Six beauties in a vase From my special fellow.Representing each year, With a single fragrant flower.Celebrating our union,Our marriage, our hour.You're so thoughtful, so kind,Very passionate and sweet.I give thanks to The Highest, Of our fate, we did meet.True love it has blossomed,Like those beauties in the vase.Never a man be so special,To ever take your place.So, thank you my darling,Sending six colors of love.For the years we have shared,Our fortune, our love.Roses are red, yellow.Six beauties in a vase, From my special fellow.LjHappy anniversary Sweetheart.Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...........with love, Lj
Blondes or Redheads
Blondes or Redheads.
Now I know what you might be thinking, "thats a strange subject matter" but, 6 years ago tomorrow I married the prettiest blonde that you can imagine to ever walk down the aisle.
Then one day my beautiful wife asks me. "What would you think if I went red?" Now, I knew the right answer was "You'll be pretty either way, whatever you want to do is fine."
So, then came my red headed wife, wow, CUTE!! Now this I could get used to!! And used to, I did. Now all of a sudden my beautiful wife decides to go back blonde. Wow again.
So now I have seen the best of both worlds and I refuse to pick a side. Is it so wrong? I keep asking myself, "self, do I prefer blondes or redheads?" Now If this is the biggest delima I could imagine, then I guess it's been a pretty good 6 years.
Happy anniversary baby !!!
Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...Tj
We, here on the Moon, decided to take a road trip on Sunday. We thought we'd take a nice drive to Sand Springs, Oklahoma. After an hour and a half of driving and finally reaching our destination, we discovered that we could describe Sand Springs in two words.....Ghost Town. We drove around for a bit going downtown and up and down main street, never really believing that we were seeing the whole town. Maybe we did see the whole town.....and then again, maybe there was part of the "city" that we were totally missing. If so, we never could find it. We were beginning to get hungry, after our search for intellegent life forms. This then began a frantic search for sustenance in possibly the form of a restaurant or a diner, maybe a cafe, or even by this time, maybe just a street-corner tamale vendor would do. Did I mention the words ghost town earlier? Okay, the more time that we spent not finding a place to eat, the hungrier it seems that we were getting. Funny thing what the ye old mind does on the ye old stomach. Anyway, so after our hunger strike throughout the town of Sand (ghost town) Springs, we decided to get on the trail and head 'er home, (back to the land of the living). BUT...before we got back on the turnpike hungry, we thought we would go ahead and find a gas station and just pick up a little munchie to tide us over until we reached the Big City. So...this is the name of the place we found for gas and food.....the KUM and GO. read it right, the KUM and GO! After we finished laughing hysterically, we got out of the Tahoe and went into the store. We looked around for a bit and I decided on a bag of the dill pickle kettle cooked potato chips, and also a bag of the bar-b-que flavoredkettle cooked pototo chips, while Tj opted to get a weiner. Yes, you read this correctly too.....a weiner from the KUM and GO. After engaging in what you might consider a form of conversation with the folks who choose to be employed at the KUM and GO, we hopped back in the Tahoe, with our goodies, and headed home. BUT, before we could get back to the correct and final direction of the turnpike to head home, we realized that we were aimed in the wrong direction and on our way to Tulsa. We then made a really expensive decision, had we been seen and got ticketed, to jump the curb, head back through the toll booth and then go through the toll booth once again and head in the right direction, back to OKC. BUT.....before heading back, I made the mistake of tasting those dill pickle kettle cooked potato chips. Man.....I kid you not.....they were delicious!! It's not because I was hungry either...I'm telling you, they are great! I told Tj right then, "Before we head back, we've got to go back to the KUM and GO, and get some more of these chips. These are fantastic!" So, Tj being the sweetest guy on earth, or the moon for that matter, he heads the Tahoe back to the KUM and GO, so that I can get my chip fix. While sitting outside the store, I think that maybe before going back in, I need to taste the bar-b-que kettle cooked potato chips as well, just in case that they are fabulous too. Well, I did and they were. So, in I go again into the KUM and GO, and grab two more bags of dill and two more bags of bar-b-que. Tj took this moment to eat his KUM and GO hot dog. When I approached the counter with my stash, the cashier looked at me kind of funny, and then again how could I tell, but I felt as though I needed to explain to him why I was back in his store, so I just told him that I tried the chips, they were great, so I came back for more. He laughed, shook his head, and rang me up. I then walked out of the KUM and GO, probably never to return, but then again.....................who knows? Those chips really are excellent and I only have four bags! We then managed to get situated in the correct direction of the turnpike and headed ourselves home. When we got back to the city, we found a restaurant, and had dinner. Whew, what a Sunday to, the hon-yockers, and the KUM and GO. Oh, yeah, and our visit to Sand Springs. Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the KUM and GO....uhhh, I mean the Moon............Lj
Here on the Moon, we had such a wonderful time with our granddogs. They are just precious girls. Cayenne definately has everyone fooled about being deaf and blind. When she was with me, she could see and hear perfectly! And then there's Angelou, who has the most perfect name for her, because she is such an angel. All our brats also loved having them here, at least that's what they told me. There was alot of "play play" going on around here and the Brats loved getting to taste some of Cayenne and Angelou's breakfast and supper everyday. When it was time for them to leave and go back home, we all stood at the glass door and watched them leave saying, "bye bye Angelou...bye bye Cayenne", waving our paws. Now our girls are looking forward to Christmas. They've all heard the good news that Cayenne and Angelou will be back to visit again. The Brats are counting down the days, at least that's what they told me. I saw Katana, just the other day, looking at the calendar.We also heard some wonderful news that T-Town may become part of our future. Aaahhh....livin' on Tulsa time! We hope and pray that this will become reality. The Brats do too! Until we meet again.....Greetings and Salutations from the Moon...........Lj